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coindexp2p's user-friendly API is designed to simplify crypto payments for exclusive trading featuring a smart contract system for quicker processing time and reduced fee charges to enhance users profitability. For any questions, our dedicated live support team is ready to assist you.

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coindexp2p users can start a P2P trade order based on agreed terms with the trade partner.

Both parties must transfer the agreed-upon assets into their trade accounts to fulfill trade obligations.

Both parties have the option to withdraw their traded assets to an external wallet of their choice. ✅

By following these simple steps, users exchange their digital assets, If you have any further questions or concerns, our dedicated Customer support team is available 24/7.

Our mission is to ensure a safe & secured transaction of digital assets between individuals.

coindexp2p is the most secure online payment method from a counterparty risk perspective - safeguarding both buyer and seller assets in trust.

  • Our platform is hosted on the web3 protocol
  • Current market exchange rates
  • We use Smart Contracts system
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Our Core Values

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100% Encrypted

Our system is 100% ecrypted against DDOS attacks and other forms of attackes as it is a web3.0 platform.your account information, livechat history and transaction information is fully encrypted. You are in full control of your data.

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Instant Exchange

With all conditions in place, our pair-to-pair transactions takes a maximum of 24 hours after Initialization. If the parties of the pair transaction pay are available throughout the transaction, it usually only takes a few minutes to complete a transaction on coindexp2p

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Safety of Funds

Assets locked in the platform will not be released until the transaction is complete.
Funds are stored in our blockchain until both parties completes the trading obligations.

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Dispute System

Take comfort in our excellent dispute system which makes your transaction extra safe. In case of any arguments. Our supervisors are ready to intervene. Our dispute resolution system has been equiped to take care of any dispute that my arise due to transaction mistakes

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Easy Wallet

We have created an easy wallet for traders to safe keep their funds even after completed transactions until they wish to withdraw to an external wallet or transfer in the case of NFTs.

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Reliable & Low Cost

We are reliable, we try to keep our trade fees at a minimal to help expand our transaction reach.

Who are we?

coindexp2p being a property of P2P Services Limited was Originated and Incorporated in November 2015 as a management and consultancy for financial activities. coindexp2p is one of the world’s most secure and trusted payment system for cryptocurrency transactions.

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Trading Guide

coindexp2p makes it easy for cryptocurrency users who want to trade using an escrow payment system, everything is simplified with the Step by Step Guide in the trade. Both parties (Buyer & Seller) on the Pair transaction can track the activities of each other and see when a deposit from either of the parties have been confirmed by the system..

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Secured TWAP Transactions

  • Facilitate secure transactions through P2P Dark Pool (ODP) services for ultra-high net worth individuals, hedge funds, family offices, banks, trading platforms, and legal firms seeking access to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others.
  • Moving funds from fiat into cryptocurrency via secure, private transactions and flexible distribution channels, including personal TREZOR/Ledger delivery, the world’s most secure hardware wallet.

P2P Mechanism

The way over the counter trading takes place is quite simple, yet quite elegant. As we saw above, P2P trades are those that take place outside a standard and conventional exchange. Such type of trades can easily take place between two parties directly, thus the off-exchange nature. The two parties can find each other in nonconventional venues as well. Traditionally an exchange would bring trade parties together, whereas, in P2P trading, users can find each other online or in chat groups directly and engage in the trade of cryptocurrencies through an agreement between themselves.

P2P Advantages

On the other hand, over the counter trading allows users to gain access to assets that are not listed on official and standard trading platforms or exchanges. Such as cryptocurrencies that are not yet listed by big players in the exchange market . As such, users will have the freedom to be able to trade any type of asset, listed or otherwise. Plus, there are many regulations, impediments, and obscurities that exist in conventional and traditional exchanges and trades that take place in them, while, such matters are not seen in P2P trading. Among them we can refer to legal regulations and lack of transparency.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I create P2P trade

    Step 1:login your coindexp2p dashboard, select “create trade” and fill in the necessary details.
    Step 2: Enter the recipient's email address. Use the email address associated with the recipient's Binance account.
    Step 3: Select the amount and the cryptocurrency you wish to send (no minimum amount required).

  • How can one make payment and withdraw from P2P trade room?

    After filling in the necessary details on the create trade page. Kindly proceed to the “MAKE PAYMENT” option and pay the token that has been set to you. Once payment from both parties gets confirmed then you can click the “WITHDRAW TOKEN” option next. insert your token withdrawal address and send your receiving token will be sent to your wallet within 3-5 mins.

  • How to import a custom token?

    Press the “Import token” button at the side of your dashboard. Type in the token you would like to add in the bar displayed. Select the custom token from the list and hit “Next.” Now tap “Import token” to include the coin to your account. After that kindly wait for a few mins and support will add the necessary tokens to your account . insert your external address and sending your receiving token directly to your wallet.

  • How to dispute trade?

    There are multiple ways to dispute trades, once the buyer or seller of an open contract trade cannot meet the requirements then the other party can report to the live chat support.


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